

这是一篇对DHH(David Heinemeier Hansson)的专访,关于“学习”这个主题。非常的棒,看了好几遍,翻译出来部分留念。原文在这里


—David Heinemeier Hansson


  • DHH的生活与工作的总结
  • DHH是如何在保持平衡的同时获得那么多成功的
  • DHH是如何凭着每周仅仅10小时进行Ruby on Rails和37Signals的开发和创业的?
  • DHH的时间管理技巧背后的秘密
  • 作为email的代替的“群聊”:到底是朋友还是敌人?
  • DHH到底是怎么进行学习的?他是如何学这么多,又学这么快的?
  • 关于DHH是如何通过学习最优的代码和向全世界优秀coders学习从而发明了Ruby on Rails的,为什么?
  • DHH学习auto racing并开始统治这项运动的故事
  • DHH使用了什么惊奇的资源用于学习,有什么是你可以立刻获取的?
  • DHH在加速学习的过程中,有什么是不舒适和痛苦的?
  • DHH是如何平衡初学者心态并从其它人地方进行学习的?
  • superlearner方法论和DHH的学习工具箱之间有什么共通的方法?
  • 有什么其它的学习领域是DHH应用了他的工具箱或者“模版”的?
  • DHH所学习的领域之间有不有溢出效应?
  • 编程、商业管理和赛车之间有什么相似之处?
  • 为一个事情“发展一个眼睛”是什么意思?你是怎么做的?
  • 在赛车中”operating at 2Ghz”是什么意思?这与其它操作有什么不同?
  • 关于心流状态、神经网络的讨论,DHH称心流的”residue”叫什么?
  • DHH大量阅读吗?那他读什么呢?
  • 技巧、日常和习惯在high level层面上对DHH的帮助是什么?
  • Stoicism是如何影响DHH并提高他的生活和效率的?
  • DHH的下一个里程碑或者目标是什么?他下一步希望完成是什么?
  • 为什么DHH对“有目标”是不支持的?
  • DHH在今天比起10年前住在一个小公寓里时开心了多少?
  • DHH当前所面对的挑战是什么?
  • 有什么书对DHH的生活起到了重大的影响?
  • 在哪里可以更多的了解到DHH?
  • 有什么是DHH希望你余生可用的建议?




“其实大量的人、大量的时间并没有价值。(It just so happens that most people, most of the time, don’t make their hours count.)”

“Most people mistake the amount of time they spend in front of a computer… as work.”

“If I really get into the zone, I can do in 2 days what would otherwise take me 2 weeks… It’s just not even on the same scale.”

“I didn’t get my driver’s license until I was 25, I didn’t sit in a race car until I think I was almost 30… Those are not the hallmarks of someone generally who gets to compete at a high level.”

“I never had the ambition to be the fastest dirver at my local track… I wanted to be the fastest amateur driver in the world… Why shouldn’t I be?”

“Most people who are really good at something…they really like when someone looks up to them, or when someone approaches them.”

“I tried different things, and these are the things that worked.(不停尝试)”

“There’s just a way of learning that applies to most domains, and once you sort of find that to be successful in one domain, it’s not that hard to just basically say ‘copy paste.’”

“They’re perceiving that experience at 100Mhz. I’m perceiving that experience at 2Ghz.”

“One of the quests that I’ve had for a long time is to design my lifestyle in such a way that it’s sustainable and filled with as many happy moments as I can cram in.”

“Once you’ve tasted flow… you want more. It’s like crack cocaine.”

“And you know what? Things will be just fucking fine if I go back to square one like that.”

“Stop thinking that there’s one answer to anything.”